I was looking at my list of things to write about. Yes, I have a list. Well a few lists. If you knew me you would not be surprised. I could chart out my lists ala Excel but that would be just too much for you.
Anyway, one of them is titled "People Posts" and it's just a list of some of the people who've influenced or touched my life in poignant ways over the course of the last few years. Of course if I were to list it out here there would be an outcry by those thought to be overlooked (I have visions of grander) but more surprisingly I smiled as I reviewed the names. It was a while ago that I created it. Everyone still deserves their place but some of the sweetnesses have slipped my mind, seeing their names again however brought the kindnesses and memories back to me.
So here's the thing, of course they will be in The Book, which will be the working title in this blog, but I believe names will need to be changed to protect the innocent. Or really to keep me from having to fish for permission from each and every one.
What will I call who?
Sabrina? Tina? Tracy?
As I think about that, let me say near to the top of the list is someone whom I'm not related to nor do I sleep with that has been the single most influential woman I've met in the last 10 years. We met on line. She's had the same weight loss surgery as me and we met on a site that caters to that segment of the population. We have a similar sense of cynical humor and view food from the exact equally screwed up perspective. We also share a love of cycling and rarely found commitment to keeping our word. She's got more integrity than I can measure.
Aside from that we are ends of the spectrum. She's 20 something, I'm 40 something. She's married (to a freaking man no less) with kids. And I'm queer, divorced, sharing a kid with another woman and in a long distant relationship. She goes to church and I go to brunch. She's republican and my fingers can hardly type the word.
We send emails everyday. I keep up with her family details...her boy just got glasses, and she keeps up with mine. I can't imagine the last two years without her constant voice rattling around in the back of my head. She has inspired me and told me to quit my whining. She's been the voice of reason and has granted me permission to wallow.
A mere suggestion from her or a full on taunt had me partnered up doing the Muddy Buddy last year and we are signed up again for this summer. Yes, I'm bitter, but deep down she makes me a better person.
There is a point to this, and I'm getting there.
There are too many silly stories to share here and this is sappy even for me, but needless to say, no one journeys through life alone. Lucky are those who find kindred spirits and lucky are we that we live in a time when two people in different states can come together and make real live friendships that two people living as neighbors would rarely ever create.
And look at me loving my friends in yet another post. Insipid, I know.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Getting Back to Regular

It's after midnight and I'm feeling little pain because of narcotics. Funny I choose to write, because pain medication does little to help me focus and contrary to what it may seem I do focus a bit when I write. I try.
But ahhh...insomnia induced by a pot of white tea has me up past midnight sitting at my laptop with Pandora playing happy tunes and blogger open. This feels so close to regular I could cry. It's been a minute since I've felt regular. Insomnia, music, and words. I'm making lists in my head too. I've missed that so much.
I've been skinned alive and stitched back together in the most humanely way possible within the confines of what is medically ethical and it hurts like a mother. After massive weight loss the lucky ones of us sign up for massive body reconstruction. I am as gratified for my life and opportunities as I am in pain. Which is quite a lot, if you haven't yet caught on that ouch, this hurts.
Meaning I feel fortunate to:
have lost the weight
afford the plastic surgery (or finance it)
have a job which allows me ample time off
to be fit enough so as to recover without issue
to be fit enough so as to recover without issue
But what I feel even more fortunate about is the outpouring of support and love from the people around me. Folks offering to shop for my groceries, put my kid to bed, mow my lawn, buy me dinner, taxi me about...I knew I had a circle of good people. But seeing it manifest so tangibly makes my heart grow a size or two. Thanks my people.
So regular is good.
Plans are good. Moving forward is good too. And yes, there are many posts to be written. I'm so excited to be getting back.
Photo credit http://www.flickr.com/photos/teagrrl/ by use of Creative Commons on Flickr
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Photo:terren in Virginia
I freaking love Brunch
It's a shame that not all my people read this here blog because all my people are asking questions and sending me well wishes for the upcoming week. I want to tell them all, "Of course I'm anxious and I indeed appreciate your kind thoughts." Now don't mind me if I go into hiding for a few weeks. You'll get a call to let you know I made it through the surgery. Promise.
But talking about my people and this coming week and my past week there was a epiphany of sorts. Many people know that I've been busting my butt to lose weight, it's dramatic and visually obvious, thanks for noticing. This coming week's surgery, where my skin is going to be retrofitted to my now smaller body, is a product of that effort.
Last week I finished my MBA. Many people know about that too. Thanks for the cards and the "congratulations" and yes, I am very proud of myself. I too can't believe it's finally over.
But the third thing of which I'm equally proud of is that during the years I've spent in school and losing weight I actively went about cultivating genuine friends too. Not networking in a plotted way, but making existing friendships stronger and creating new friendships where before there was a void.
I love you, my people.
And then there's this happiness thing. I've been reading Gretchen on the Happiness Project which is amazing and gives me more good ideas than anything else I come across. You should read it too. And there's also This I Believe which a while ago talked about cake on Fridays as a standing tradition. I can't find the actual story. But it spoke of community and love and cake and family. What's not to like about all that?
Well, now school is done, my home is happy, my life is moving in a crazy new directions-I'm scared I'll lose old work friends if I don't put something in place. I have few traditions from my childhood but I actively work to give them to my daughter, I love cooking and can't eat nearly all the wonderful things I enjoy making, which tied to a happiness project got me thinking about brunch.
I'm going to have a monthly open house brunch to make happy with my friends. Yeah, this is going to have to wait until after I recover, but it won't wait too long. There will be food and joy.
I love cooking, tradition and friends. I have the time.
I'm going to have to put this in email, to my people, so they will show up. But I thought I'd put it here too well, because why not?
Would you like to join us? You're welcome. Just bring some eggs or juice or bagels or something and a some happy conversation. We'd love to have you.
Happy Brunch,
plastic surgery,
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