photo: by lu_lu
There was a woman in my life for many years.
She's moved away, but I love her still.
She was crazy.
You know the kind of crazy that can hang on to a job because it's union and she had the art of apology down really, really well.
And actually she contributes amazingly to any community she is involved with. There's a small town in Alabama wondering what the hell is hitting them, as I type.
We worked together in the cafeteria. I am a lunch lady after all. Actually I was her boss, and like I said, I was on the receiving end of a few apologies but this isn't about that.
There are shops she can't walk into for having lost her temper and basically calling out the injustices she witnessed. Only later with the clarity that only distance and time gives, would she concede there was probably a different point of view at play. But the recanting of those stories always made for a good laugh.
This is about minding ones own business.
Tending to ones own home before poking their nose in other people's houses.
Why this and why now? Well I'm a lunch lady and I'm also a person who has had weight loss surgery. Someone on the message board I post on was talking about other people watching what she eats. I suppose people watch what I eat but I'm a little too busy to really be that involved watching people watching me.
I'm a little mean too.
Well, not mean, but direct. And there is a perfect line from Ms B which rolls off my tongue regardless of the setting. So I suppose I do notice, but that's only after someone makes an oh so inappropriate comment about my nutritional selections.
It goes a like this: "What I eat, you don't shit. So don't worry 'bout what's on my plate." I have uttered those words countless times.
You can join me too. That goes for the vegan, vegetarians, bacon eaters and anyone who has had to deal with anyone policing what you stick in your mouth. Claim your plate and your choices and tell people to get busy taking care of themselves.
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